


1. Evolutionary and behavioral ecology of steppe birds The evolutionary history and behavioral ecology of steppe birds help us to understand the adaptations of steppe birds to their unique environments. This session covers aspects such as mating systems, social structures, genetic diversity, habitat use and selection, or foraging and breeding ecology, among others, shedding light on how evolutionary processes have shaped their behaviors and ecological interactions.

2. Life-history strategies Exploring the survival strategies of steppe birds and identifying the factors contributing to unbalancing breeding output and survival pose challenges in conservation biology. This topic session comprehensively examines critical factors including breeding success, life expectancy, predation, competition or mutualism dynamics, and disease and parasite prevalence.

3. Population monitoring and trends Monitoring the populations of steppe birds and analyzing their trends over time is crucial to understand ecosystem health and adaptive management of conservation efforts. This session focuses on the diverse methods used in population monitoring, including field surveys, satellite tracking, passive acoustic monitoring and citizen science programs.; as well as analytical methods for identifying trends.

4. Movement strategies and migration patterns Understanding the movement strategies and migration patterns of steppe birds is essential for comprehending their ecological dynamics and ensuring their conservation. This topic investigates how these species navigate diverse landscapes during seasonal migrations, examining factors such as route selection, stopover sites, and the timing of movements.

5. Dynamics and Drivers of Habitat Change in Steppe and Pseudo-steppe ecosystems Understanding the drivers of habitat change in steppe and pseudo-steppe ecosystems and their complex interacting dynamics is essential for the effective conservation and sustainable management of these valuable habitats and the biodiversity they support. This topic session includes research on land conversion, livestock grazing, fire regimes, and any other potential drivers of habitat change in steppic ecosystems.

6. Impact of human infrastructures Impact of human infrastructures is currently critical to preserve steppe bird populations and their habitats. This topic delves into the effects of various infrastructure types such as roads, power lines, the proliferation of renewable energies (i.e., photovoltaic, wind farms), and urban expansion on the natural landscapes and ecosystems essential for these birds.  

7. Climate change The impacts of climate change on the ecology of steppe birds is an issue of increasing concern. This topic explores the effects of changing temperatures, precipitation patterns, and extreme weather events on the habitats and food resources critical for these species, as well as on the mechanisms affecting reproduction and survival. The discussion covers the direct and indirect effects of climate change, such as altered movement patterns, shifts in breeding seasons, and changes in population distributions.

8. Conservation strategies and policy mechanisms: Present and future  This topic addresses the current and future strategies and policies aimed at the conservation of steppe birds. It explores conservation practices such as habitat restoration, agri-environmental programs, sustainable land-use, management interventions, community involvement, and reintroductions & ex-situ conservation programs. Additionally, it examines policy mechanisms at local, national, and international levels that support these strategies, including legislation, protected areas, and incentive programs.