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Tuesday 25th march
10.00 - 13.30 h.
Location: Classroom 2

Workshop 2


Automated acoustic detection of steppe birds: Learn to use BirdNET GUI

Passive acoustic monitoring (i.e. recording sounds in an environment with autonomous recording units) has proven to be useful for monitoring birds in a wide range of contexts. Nonetheless, its use to monitor steppe birds is still limited. In this workshop we aim to train the attendees on how to use BirdNET GUI, a user-friendly and free software able to identify over 6,000 bird species. This tool will extend the current list of methods available for monitoring steppe birds. The attendees will learn how to use the software on their own computers, and therefore should be able to run the analyses by themselves after the training, as well as know how to choose the best set of parameters for automated detection of steppe birds, and validate the output of the software.

Overall and specific objectives
Present how passive acoustic monitoring and BirdNET can be used for acoustic automated detection of steppe birds. 1) Train the attendees on how BirdNET should be used, 2) what are the meanings of the settings that can be adjusted, 3) how the outputs of BirdNET should be analysed to remove false positives (a species predicted but not actually present) and 4) how to filter BirdNET outputs to keep only high-confidence predictions.

Related topics 
Population monitoring and trends

Benefits for participants
The participants will learn how to use BirdNET and how passive acoustic monitoring can contribute to monitoring steppe birds. These skills will improve their capability for monitoring steppe bird communities and improve their monitoring programmes.

Workshop length
210 minutes

Number of participants

Target audience
The target audience are researchers, technicians and managers eager to learn about how BirdNET, a free and user-friendly machine learning tool, can be used for automated detection of steppe birds in sound recordings.

Technical requirements  
Attendees should bring their own laptop.

Cristián Pérez Granados

Universidad de Alicante. Spain

Biography not available