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Wednesday 26th march
10.30 - 13.30 h.
Location: UCLM Paraninfo

Thematic session 1. Population monitoring and trends 1


Assessing bird communities in Mediterranean agricultural landscapes through acoustic monitoring: BirdNET, Merlin and acoustic indices

Specific monitoring method for the common quail (Coturnix coturnix) during the breeding season

BirdNET, a user-friendly acoustic algorithm, complements traditional field censuses for describing grassland bird communities in Europe

The study of the distribution and resources of the Saker falcon in Mongolia

Drones and Biodiversity: Impact on Lanzarote's Avifauna

Assessing bird communities in Mediterranean agricultural landscapes through acoustic monitoring: BirdNET, Merlin and acoustic indices.

Specific monitoring method for the common quail (Coturnix coturnix) during the breeding season.

BirdNET, a user-friendly acoustic algorithm, complements traditional field censuses for describing grassland bird communities in Europe.

The study of the distribution and resources of the Saker falcon in Mongolia.

Drones and Biodiversity: Impact on Lanzarote's Avifauna.