Call of Workshops

Deadline for proposals2nd December 2024

The “International Congress on Palearctic Steppe Birds: ecology and conservation challenges (ICPSB)” will feature workshops designed to provide expert-led education and training on relevant topics applied to or related with research on Palearctic steppe birds. The workshops will be open to all ICPSB attendees, after registration and subject to availability of place.

Call for workshops is now open!

We are excited to announce that the call for workshops is now open and invite you to submit your proposal at this upcoming event, scheduled for 25th – 29th March 2025, in the Universidad de Castilla La Mancha at Ciudad Real, Spain.

Workshop details

The workshops will take place during the morning of 25th March.

Workshops are expected to be designed as work sessions, aimed to provide training on essential skills and techniques related to the study of steppe birds. They can be focused on both theoretical and practical contents and include indoor and/or outdoor activities. We encourage workshop coordinators to put a significant emphasis on the applied and functional aspects of the workshop topic.

A workshop can last between 90 minutes and 210 minutes (which includes 30 minutes break). The maximum number of attendees can be determined by the workshop coordinator and will be subject to the number of seats (from 28 to 10) of the assigned space in the Venue.

Proposals with more than one coordinator are allowed. Each workshop will be led by the workshop coordinator(s) who will be in charge of building and submitting the proposal, providing workshop documentation and materials to the participants and running the session. For specific requests of material that you may need, please contact

Proposed workshops should meet the scope of the ICPSB as set out by our website (please read the Welcome message of the International Congress on Palearctic Steppe Birds for more details). We invite proposals on a variety of topics related to steppe birds, including but not limited to those listed in the List of topics, such as the following ones:

  • Evolutionary and behavioural ecology of steppe birds
  • Life-history strategies
  • Population monitoring and trends
  • Movement strategies and migration patterns
  • Dynamics and drivers of habitat change in steppe and pseudo-steppe ecosystems
  • Impact of human infrastructures
  • Climate change
  • Conservation strategies and policy mechanisms: Present and future


Submission guidelines

If you are interested in submitting a workshop proposal, please fill the form below and submit it before 2nd December 2024. Proposals should include a detailed outline of the workshop, key learning objectives, and any specific requirements. After evaluation by the Organizing and Scientific committees, the workshop coordinator will be notified of the proposal outcome before 20th December 2024. If accepted, the workshop coordinator will be invited to register and will be contacted by the technical secretariat for further details.

Please submit your proposals via online submission platform  with the following information:

  • Workshop coordinator(s)
    • Full first and family name(s)
    • Title or position
    • Affiliation or organisation (Department, Institution, Country)
    • Email address
  • Workshop title
  • Outline (max. 250 words)

Please provide a brief overview of the workshop, highlighting its significance to the scope of the ICPSB and describing the proposed format/methodology

  • Overall and specific objectives

Please list the overall and specific objectives for the workshop

  • Related topics (up to three): please, follow our list of topics whenever possible (although new topics can be added)
    • Topic 1
    • Topic 2
    • Topic 3
  • Benefits for participants (max. 100 words)

Please outline the benefits ICPSB participants will gain from attending the workshop (e.g. skills, knowledge, practical applications, etc.)

  • Workshop length: please, select one of the following options
    • 90 minutes
    • 210 minutes (includes 30 minutes for break)
  • Number of participants

Please indicate the minimum and maximum number of participants to ensure adequate space allocation

  • Target audience

Please specify the target audience and any prerequisites or background knowledge required

  • Technical requirements

Please list any specific technical requirements or equipment needed for the workshop. Specify if WiFi access is required for your workshop.

Key dates

Submission opening date

20th August 2024

Submission deadline date

2nd December  2024

Decision notification date*

20th December  2024

*Note all efforts will be made to send notifications even before the planned date


Before submitting your workshop proposal, please carefully review the submission rules.

  1. Authors
  • The same person may submit more than one proposal as workshop coordinator, although only one proposal per coordinator will be accepted.
  • The coordinator must ensure that all co-authors are aware of the workshop content before submission.
  1. Workshop guidelines
  • All text must be written in English.
  • Tables and Figures are not allowed in the submission.
  • The workshop will be reproduced as submitted. It is not expected that the organisation will make changes to the submitted workshop. However, if changes are absolutely necessary, these must be communicated as soon as possible by email to 
  • Abbreviations should be kept to a minimum. Use standard abbreviations and generic technical names. Place unusual abbreviations or acronyms in parentheses after their first use.
  • Make the content of the workshop as informative as possible.
  1. Submission process
  • Workshop can only be submitted by the online submission form. Workshop submitted by other channels (e.g. email) will not be considered.
  • Workshop must be received by the announced deadline. Workshops received after the deadline will not be considered.
  • Click on the “submit” button at the end of the process to complete your workshop submission. Only after receiving the confirmation email of submission, the process is finished. Please, check out your spam box if you do not receive the confirmation. If you are sure that there was no confirmation, please, contact us at:
  • Once you have submitted your workshop, you will receive a workshop ID number via email. Please refer to this workshop number in all correspondence regarding the workshop.
  • Do not submit multiple copies of the same workshop. If you notice any error, please contact us at:
  • Presenting authors of accepted workshops must be registered and paid participants.

If you have any doubts, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

We look forward to receiving your proposals and appreciate your valuable contribution to the International Congress on Palearctic Steppe Birds: ecology and conservation challenges.

Thank you for your dedication to advancing steppe birds’ research.

Para la organizar aulas y horarios, es mejor dejar estos horarios prefijados. El largo és el doble que el corto mas 30 minutos para un descanso. Esto te permite hacer un taller largo en una aula, mientras que en la otra haces 2 talleres con una pausa de 30 minutos entre ellos.