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Conoce a los terceros:
The Committees of the event cordially invite participants involved in the study of the Ecology and Conservation of Palearctic Steppe Birds to submit abstracts of their presentation proposals.
Key dates
Submission opening date
August 20th 2024
Submission deadline date
November 18th 2024
Decision notification date*
December 26th 2024
* Note all efforts will be made to send notifications even before the planned date.
Abstracts formats
Two communication formats are available for the conference:
Open talks (Oral): Oral communications presented in a scientific session for a maximum of 10 minutes (plus 5 minutes of questions). Open talks will be organised by common themes and topics within the scientific program. The scientific committee will review all talks proposals and select the most appropriate ones according to the themes of the congress and the proposal quality. If deemed appropriate, the committee may propose a change in the format of the proposal.
Posters: Visual reports displayed in printed format and exhibited throughout the congress in the exhibition area. Posters must be 114 cm high and 80 cm wide. The presenting author will stand by the poster and interact with congress attendees for 1 hour in a dedicated poster session. Posters will be organised by common themes and topics within the scientific program. The Scientific Committee will review all poster proposals and select the most appropriate ones according to the themes of the Congress and the quality of the proposals.
Please note: All presentation types are intended to be given in person, in Ciudad Real. The option to present virtually is not available.
Submission guidelines
If you are interested in submitting an abstract, please fill the form in the web site and submit it before 1st November 2024. After the assessment of the abstracts received by the Scientific and Organizing Committees, the author will be notified of their proposal outcome before 20th December 2024. If accepted, the author will be invited to register and will be contacted by the technical secretariat for further details.
Please submit your abstract via the online submission form with the following information:
Presenting author
Full first and family name(s), in sentence case (not in capital or lower case only)
Title or position
Affiliation or organisation (Department, Institution, Country)
Indicate student status if applicable
Email address
Full first and family name(s), in sentence case (not in capital or lower case only)
Title or position
Affiliation or organisation (Department, Institution, Country)
Title. Concise, 15 words maximum in sentence case (not in capital or lower case only). Please don’t use abbreviations. The title of the abstract should reflect the content.
Abstract. Please provide a brief overview (max. 300 words) of the communication, highlighting its significance to the scope of the congress. It must be in one paragraph, complete in itself and intelligible. The abstract should provide (not mentioning the headings) information on antecedents, objectives, methods, results and conclusions.
Keywords. 5 keywords maximum, in alphabetical order.
Related topics (up to three). Please follow our list of topics in the web site whenever possible (although new topics can be added). For more information on each topic, visit the website's list of topics section:
Evolutionary and behavioral ecology of steppe birds
Life-history strategies
Population monitoring and trends
Movement strategies and migration patterns
Dynamics and Drivers of Habitat Change in Steppe and Pseudo-steppe ecosystems
Impact of human infrastructures
Climate change
Conservation strategies and policy mechanisms: Present and future
Proposed format. Please select one of the following options:
Oral (Open talk)
Please read the submission rules before submitting an abstract.
1. Authors
The same person may serve as the presenting author on just one oral talk .
The same person may submit multiple abstracts regardless of the presenting author.
The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission.
2. Abstract
Please keep in mind that if accepted by the committee, your abstract may be published/ provided at least one of its authors is registered to the conference by February 20th 2025.
All texts must be written in English.
Tables and Figures will not be accepted for the submission.
Abstracts will be reproduced exactly as submitted and will not be edited in any way. No changes to the submitted abstracts will be made by the organization after the submission deadline.
Abbreviations should be kept to a minimum. Use standard abbreviations and generic technical names. Place unusual abbreviations or acronyms in parentheses after first use.
Make the abstract as informative as possible. Conclusions must be supported by data.
3. Submission
Abstracts can only be submitted by the online submission form. Abstracts submitted by other channels (e.g. email) will not be considered.
Abstracts must be received by the announced deadline. Abstracts received after the deadline will not be considered.
Click on the “submit” button at the end of the process in order to submit your abstract. Only after receiving the confirmation email of submission, the process is finished. Please, check out your spam box if you haven’t received the confirmation, if you are sure that there was no confirmation, please, contact us at: sgutierrez@fase20.com
Once you have submitted your abstract, you will receive an abstract ID number via email. Please refer to this abstract number in all correspondence regarding the abstract.
Please do not submit multiple copies of the same abstract. If you noticed any error, please, contact us: sgutierrez@fase20.com
Instructions for the preparation of open talk/poster presentations will be made available on the congress website.
Presenting authors of accepted abstracts must be registered and paid participants.
The submission of the abstract presupposes the full acceptance of these criteria, abstract content and format, as well as the authorization for publication in the abstract book or on the conference website.
If you have any doubts, please, do not hesitate to contact us: sgutierrez@fase20.com
We look forward to receiving your proposals and appreciate your valuable contribution to the International Conference on Palearctic Steppe Birds.
Thank you for your dedication to advancing knowledge on the ecology and conservation of Palearctic steppe birds.