Organizing Committee

Beatriz Arroyo

Researcher of the Spanish National Research Council, and director of the Institute for Game and Wildlife Management. Spain.

Gerard Bota Cabau

Researcher at Forest Sciences Centre of Catalonia. Spain.

Carolina Bravo

Researcher at the Autonomous University of Madrid. Spain. Member of GIAE and the Organizing Committee.

Julia Gómez Catasús

Researcher at the Autonomous University of Madrid. Spain.

Teresa Marques

Researcher at the University of Porto, Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources. Portugal.

Carlos Martín

Professor of the Faculty of Biological Sciences at the Complutense University of Madrid. Spain.

Manuel B. Morales

Professor at the Autonomous University of Madrid. Spain.

François Mougeot

Researcher at the Spanish National Research Council, Institute for Game and Wildlife Management. Spain.

Núria Pou Àlvarez

Technical Secretary. Technician in the Forest Sciences and technology Centre of Catalonia. Spain.

Joao Paulo Silva

Researcher at the University of Porto, Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources. Portugal.

Juan Traba

Researcher at the Autonomous University of Madrid. Spain.